Episode #80 - My GGGGGeneration

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Episode 80 - This week Art and Eric have plenty of music topics to discuss on the podcast and decide to cover non of them.  This weeks recommendation for a service is practiceguitarnow.com, Eric found it very helpful.  In the news Eric decided to grace us with the blessings of Kanye West quotes, these quotes will change your life for the better.  In the second part of the news Eric is beyond ecstatic that Led Zeppelin has been found not to have lifted another song to create Stairway to Heaven.  The hallowed song can now rest in peace as it's own piece of work.

In the songwriting section we discuss the song Stressed Out by 21 Pilots. Overall the judgment is that this song has fantastic lyrics, but does not follow the block style of the each verse building in the previous to enhance the story or picture the songs is trying create.  Does that lessen the impact of the song overall?...that is for you to decide.

Crib Notes:

Art's Pick: Alabama Shakes This feeling

Eric's Pick: Alabama Shakes This feeling

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