Episode #62 - Let's get the band back together man

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Episode 62 - In this podcast Eric and Art learned how to solve all the worlds problems in a little under 7 minutes, but since they forgot to hit the record button it looks as if we'll have to stay with the status quo...for now.  As far as music news goes we discuss the reasons Guns n Roses may come back together, or the reasons they may not.  It turns out not all us artists are as absolutely crazy as Axl Rose is.  Also in the news this week we learn that Ringo Starr is selling some of his old Beatles Drum sets as well as other guitars and odds and ends.

It turns out that we need the entire TAN fanbase to chip in and buy this drumset for us, so we can play an official "Talking About Noise Set" on the old rooftop of the Beatles last live gig so we can get arrested, and record it all... in the name of science.

In the production segment today we discuss playing with microphones again.  At this point we might call this Art's obsession since he loves his microphones as much as, or even more than, his kids.  Art plays with vocals from different positions and angles and we learn and benefit thereby.

Crib Notes:

Art's Pick of the week: Liz Vice

Eric's Pick of the week: Lord Huron

Visit The Swoop at: theswooptheband.com

Visit Art Moore at: artmoorestudios.com

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